New & Improved - The Love a Little Paradise Blog
As I mentioned in my previous blog post Saying Goodbye, when the #TeamTourism interns departed our shores, the Intern Blog was decidedly farewelled along with them. The Intern Blog has been a fun way to contribute information in a new and informative way to potential visitors or even anyone curious about a little paradise really. It's been extremely encouraging to see people, on social media in particular, engaging with the content we put out and learning about new activities/meal suggestions/beaches to check out and on a whole, just delving into life in our little corner of the globe. Because of this it's ultimately pushed me to continue the blog. But seeing as I'm the last remaining ex-intern, I felt that if we were to continue the blog, it'd have to be renamed due to the fact that there are no interns currently present at Cook Islands Tourism. So this is it, new and improved - 'The Love a Little Paradise Blog'.

As the full-time days go on, I'm realising just how much information hasn't been portrayed to our potential and future visitors yet. This isn't a bad thing - in fact it's a good thing. Because now this information has come to my attention, it will be thoroughly looked over and updated before being presented to our followers. I can't promise weekly updates but I will definitely try! Otherwise bi-weekly it is.
I've already starting writing up the next two posts: Most Photographic Places on Rarotonga, as well as a detailed post about licensing laws in the Cook Islands. Not only have we had several questions coming through on social media regarding this, but also through my own personal connections; family and friends wanting to know how to go about this and what the actual laws were. Anywho I'm hoping to help clear all this confusion up!
Before I go I do want to say a huge Meitaki Maata to Maeva and Odile for their work. They contributed a tremendous amount to the Online Department in particular, during their brief internships at Cook Islands Tourism and we hope they'll come back home (to resume their internships) soon... :)
Alright that's me, see you soon with a new update.
Ka Kite for now,