Cook Islands Tourism launches Epetoma o te Turoto – Tourism Week
The United Nations has declared 2017 the Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development and in keeping with this theme Cook Islands Tourism and partners are proud to launch Epetoma o te Turoto or Tourism Week from Monday 25th of September.
The United Nations has declared 2017 the Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development and in keeping with this theme Cook Islands Tourism and partners are proud to launch Epetoma o te Turoto or Tourism Week from Monday 25th of September.
Focusing on the Kia Orana Value of Tupuranga Tangata (investing in the growth of our people) Cook Islands Tourism will highlight Human Resources as an integral part of Sustainable Tourism Development.
World Tourism Day will be celebrated around the globe on Wednesday 27th of September, and so Tourism Week is designed to coincide with this global event.

Commemorations for World Tourism Day and a number of other events are scheduled for Tourism Week. This will include the first A1 Meitaki Awards for the island of Aitutaki. The A1 Meitaki Awards recognises those in the Tourism Industry who are going above and beyond and providing exceptional customer service to visitors.
In collaboration with Maritime Cook Islands, CI Tourism will help celebrate World Maritime Day which is on Thursday 28th of September. Avatiu Harbour will be a buzz of excitement as the Maritime Industry celebrates World Maritime Day with fun activities.
Save the dates and keep a look out for the exciting calendar of events planned for Epetoma o te Turoto – Tourism Week.