Intern: Ka Kite from the Kiwi Intern
Guess the current short-lived downpour of rain goes perfectly with the current feelings associated with the fact that I’m actually leaving the country tomorrow, and this time it’s not to go back home for my Graduation or to go back for a short holiday but actually for whatever my next phase of life presents me with (which currently is not a lot apart from all these bold ideas of what I wish to do next). To keep my face from changing from its current state to the same water mess of the pavements outside, I’ll keep this somewhat brief.

Firstly thanks to the staff at the tourism head office who have been welcoming since day 1 back in March. Throughout they have all been supportive, loud and funny. They have definitely set the standards for “nice, fun, and sociable” workplaces rather than stressful and horrible (such as a past one which I don’t care to have a repeat of). Secondly, to all those from the in-market offices who have been in and out of Raro over the months. It has been great meeting you all and learning about activities in the various markets that visitors come from and the types of opportunities and weaknesses influencing travel from these different countries. And to the staff from our outer-island offices, thanks a lot for having Tayla and I during our trip to Aitutaki/Atiu. Was nice to spend the equivalent of a short few hours with you as we experienced your beautiful and unique island(s).
Finally to all our Facebook page followers (and our other social channels). Thank you for liking our page to start with. Thanks for helping make some of my posts do well by liking and commenting and engaging with us about either your desire to visit the Cooks or about how much you love it here. Although a lot of my Facebook posts will still be showing up over the course of December, I just wanted to say thank you as without any of you visiting us, or following us, we wouldn’t be able to create social content, and share images, thoughts and sometimes humorous/witty one-liners about why you should visit a little paradise (or come back). And to the dedicated few who read our (almost) weekly blog, a big MEITAKI MAATA. When I first initiated this idea of an intern blog I didn’t think we would manage to maintain it (and yes it’s been a struggle to think of ideas at times) but it’s been great for writing longer posts on specific topics about this lovely country.

And one last piece of advice – if you’re ever considering changing jobs, lifestyle, countries, or just moving into unknown territory. DO IT! It may be terrifying at first, but majority of the time it will totally be worth it.
So I said this would be short… and I’ve kind of overstepped my mark with that a tad with all the thank you’s (please don’t go and count how many as there really isn’t that many synonyms to replace it with).
Meitaki all and a big KA KITE!!!!