5th Annual Pacific Islands Universities Research Network (PIURN) Conference

The theme for the 2023 conference 'exploring this sea of islands' engages with the work of one of the Pacific's most revered academics, Epeli Hau'ofa. In his work We are the Ocean, Hau'ofa wrote of Oceania: 'Just as the sea is an open and ever flowing reality, so should our oceanic identity transcend all forms of insularity, to become one that is openly searching, inventive and welcoming.'
4 July 2023, 8:00am - 8:00pm
Rarotonga, Cook Islands
PIURN is a consortium of 14 universities in the Pacific Islands Countries and Territories established in 2012 to enable closer and meaningful collaboration among researchers in the consortium, with the view to identify and address, via Research, Development & Innovation social priorities, economic growth, and environmental challenges for the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs). For more information on this years conference please see https://piurn2023.sciencesconf.org/