What to do on a rainy day in Rarotonga
We all dream of picture perfect blue skies and gentle seas, and most of the time that is exactly what you will get on your holiday in Rarotonga. But there is only one way that the Cook Islands stays so lush and green – rain!

So what can you do on a rainy day? There are no malls or indoor playgrounds around so we make our own fun.
So it’s raining a little. There is no reason that you can’t head outside equipped with a rain coat or umbrella (or not) simply because as soon as the rain stops and the sun comes back out you will be dry again within minutes.
Often rainy days coincide with some big sea swell. This can make for spectacular viewing – check out the big waves rolling in at the end of the runway and at Avana Point (just don’t get to close!)
If there is a south swell and it’s high tide chances are there will be some little waves inside the lagoon. Head down to the beach by Betela for some body surfing or boogie board action.
Days when the sun doesn’t shine are great for exploring the rocky shore beaches dotted around the island especially on the eastern side of Rarotonga.
Icecream! It is never too wet or cold for icecream in Rarotonga. Take a drive to find your closest icecream experience.
Rainy days are the best time to visit Wigmore’s Waterfall on the south side of the island. Make sure you stop at the road entrance to pay your entry fee, then drive inland for a few minutes to see just how spectacular the waterfall can be when the river level is high. Swimming in the waterfall is definitely not recommended in these conditions.
For an indoors activity check out some of the museums in Rarotonga: Te Ara – Cook Islands Museum of Cultural Enterprise in Muri, and in Avarua Cook Islands Library & Museum, the Cook Islands National Museum or the Discover Marine and Wildlife Centre
Take a ride with Raro Buggy Tours. They have quad and buggy tours. Their motto is "The Wetter the Better". Check out their website https://www.rarobuggytours.com
And if it really is a coldish rainy day then best bet is to relax indoors with a book, play board games or cards, catch up on that Netflix series you downloaded to your device before you left home, or watch a DVD (there are shops to hire or purchase DVD’s in Nikao and Vaimaanga if needed)